Monday, April 30, 2012

Mortgage Elimination Scams

You’ve seen the emails:

“Legally eliminate your mortgage!!”
Can this possibly be true? Well, I’ve read the claims and researched the law and here’s what I came up with.

The Claim
The claim is that you can legally eliminate your mortgage based on an accounting loophole that goes something like this…

“If the lender who funded your loan used borrowed money to fund your loan, then the loan is not valid. And, since the loan is not valid, the security (mortgage or deed of trust) is not valid either. All you do is simply march into court and ask a judge to void your mortgage lien, and you don’t have to pay it back.”

Now, without going into the legal issues, a common sense approach would tell you that the entire premise of this argument is patently absurd. Think about it… most lenders use borrowed money to fund loans, that’s the nature of the business.

So, if these “mortgage elimination” promoters are correct, then millions of mortgages would be void. 
The entire economy would collapse. This sounds vaguely familiar to the “tax protestor” scam where people claimed that they didn’t owe income tax because the government did not have the constitutional authority to tax them. More on that later…

The Law
The mortgage elimination promoters cite various court cases in support of their position. At first blush, it would seem there are dozens of court cases in which the judge actually did what they claimed, that is, declare a mortgage void because the lender used borrowed funds for the loan. But, since most laymen are not trained in the law, they take this stuff, hook, line and sinker.

I’ve read the decisions and they all have a common theme: they don’t support the mortgage elimination theory. In fact, most of the cases are only vaguely on point.

The “tax protestor” promoters did the same thing… take a quote from a judge’s decision out of context and cite the case as support for their position. In the end, the tax protestors all lost in court, paid large fines and went away with their tails between their legs. The government went after the promoters of the scam.

Similarly, the government is going after the promoters of the mortgage elimination scam. The Federal Reserve recently issued a warning, a copy of which can be found at the end of this article. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issued a similar warning last year.

The FBI recently raided the office of the Dorean Group, a big promoter of the mortgage elimination scheme. 

The Cult of Stupidity
As I write this, undoubtedly a few “followers” of the theory will email me and argue that I don’t understand or that I’m part of the “establishment mentality” that keeps the little guy down. Of course, these are likely the same people who are collecting referral fees from the scammers that are charging thousands of dollars to consumers in exchange for a false promise to eliminate their mortgages.
On a philosophical level, I appreciate discussions about how the dollar really isn’t backed by gold, the government doesn’t have the right to tax Americans and the the like. But I wouldn’t tell a client to actually rely on any of these theories in a court of law. Nor would I charge someone thousands of dollars in exchange for a promise or guarantee that their mortgage could be eliminated without paying it off.

How to Really Eliminate Your Mortgage
There are some legal ways to eliminate your mortgage:
  1. Pay it off in full
  2. File for chapter 7 bankruptcy (in which case you will not be liable for the mortgage note, but you will also lose the house)
  3. Find a REAL legal challenge that a judge is willing to accept as a valid reason to declare the debt void, such as usury, gross violation of lending laws, fraud, incompetency or the like

Friday, April 27, 2012

Avoiding Real Estate Scams by William Bronchick

There's lots of real estate scams out there you have to be aware of.  Don't get caught in one.

1. The Wholesale Scam.
Investors prey on newbies with so-called "wholesale" deals that aren't wholesale at all.  They give unreliable or inaccurate comps to bolster their BS ARVs.  Don't rely on the seller for comps, Bronchick says, "Do your own instead using, and".

2. Lying on Your Loan App.
Unethical mortgage brokers will tell you to lie and say you are living in the property when in fact you have no plans of doing so.  You may get away with it once or twice, but is it worth going to federal prison if you get caught?  Bronchick says, "NO!!".

3. The Bogus Appraisal Scam.
Sometimes the seller and the appraiser are in cahoots on the appraisal.  Don't be fooled - Bronchick says, "Do your own research or your own appraisal".

4. Shoddy Repairs.
Even though you are buying a fixed up property from a contractor or seller who just did a rehab, do an inspection!  Just because it looks good doesn't mean its really done right.  Cosmetics can cover up a lot.

5. Short Sale Scams or Fraud.
I am not one of the people who think that reselling a short sale is fraud, but there's many other ways you can get into trouble.  Giving the lender bogus comps, lying about the seller's hardship or doing an inside deal where you sell back to the seller are all acts of fraud punishable by jail time.  Bronchick says, "Don't do it, it's not worth it."
There's a lot of ways to get rich in America on real estate, but shortcuts will land you into hot water.  Bronchick says, "Be honest, don't break the law".

Real Estate Laws

Real estate law is promulgated to ensure that buyers and sellers of real estate properties are fully protected from fraud and other violation from external factors.
For real estate buyers, the real estate law will ensure that should they find faults from the contract they signed with the buyer, they can bring their case in court to make sure the seller will follow what the contracted states.
For real estate sellers, the real estate law will ensure that should the buyer remiss on their payments, or obligations mentioned in the contract, the seller can prosecute to enforce the signed contract.
Various other restrictions in the use of real estate properties are also mentioned in the real estate law.
There may be myriad of restrictions being enforced by the federal bureau, the state government, country government or local government, however, basic restrictions with respect to real estate property use are:
  • Zoning
  • Environmental hazards
  • Public easement and right of way
Zoning entails restriction on the use of the property.  If it is contracted as for residential use, the real estate law will ensure that the property will be used as residential real estate property. 
If the contact mentions that the property will be used for industrial, agricultural or commercial use, the real estate law will enforce what the use of the property is mentioned in the contract.
Zoning includes restrictions on size and height of improvements as well; following these restrictions will avoid prosecution or worse, bring down your house to the height and size necessary.
Environmental hazards.  The real estate law will ensure that no properties will keep within its walls environmentally hazardous materials.  These restrictions include asbestos, lead pain, petrochemicals, radon, and toxic wastes. 
The real estate law will give the government the right to remove these hazardous materials should it be proven that these materials are being kept within the property.
Public easement and right of way.  The real estate law mandates that a portion of the real estate property should be open for others to use.  Easements and rights of way are used to allow access to other properties, this includes roads and sidewalks.  This easement is necessary to enable installation of electric, gas and telephone lines to be installed to other properties or even to your own property.
Violation of real estate laws especially those mentioned in this article may subject violators to fines, penalties, injunctions, and even criminal prosecution.
Thus, to avoid this you may need to ensure that you read the real estate law and follow the recommendations therein. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How to Challenge that Bad Appraisal

In the volatile real-estate market of the past several years, prospective homebuyers and refinancers have encountered the same frustrating obstacle: a low appraisal.
Appraisal complaints have risen in recent years, particularly since home values began plummeting in 2007 and the Home Valuation Code of Conduct took effect in May 2009. But the experts say this isn't the first real-estate cycle in which contract prices don't often match an appraised value. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Are you committed to real estate investing?

There are many questions that should be asked before embarking upon a career of real estate investment. The first and foremost question however should be whether or not you are truly committed to making real estate work for you. This is not a business for the faint of heart. In order to truly turn a profit you must be at times ruthless when dealing with buyers and sellers but ethical to a fault when it comes to the work that must often be done in order to get a property in sellable condition.
The reason a serious commitment is needed in order to make real estate work for you is simple. There will be ups and downs along the way. The stock market experiences rises and falls on a regular basis. Just as you cannot dump all of your stock over one bad day the same holds true even more so in the realm of real estate investing. Property values in general rise gradually over time. This means that even if the values in a community falter chances are that they will eventually recover.
 Those who bank on the slow and steady growth in the value are referred to as buy and hold investors. These investors are truly committed to their investment. Some of them elect to hold the property as a vacation property while others opt to earn an income on the property by renting it out to other families or vacationers, whatever their choice may be.
This is a great way for many people to enjoy the luxury of a vacation property without absorbing all of the expenses involved in owning a vacation property as the rentals will help compensate some of the costs when the owners (investors) are not in residence. This is a fairly common practice in high demand tourist areas in which people often enjoy vacationing. These types of investors are what some people refer to as serious real estate investors though all real estate investors need to take their purchases seriously.
Those who own rental properties must also be committed to making their investments work for them. Rental properties are not a ‘hands off’ type of investment, as they will need to be maintained in order to remain in demand by tenants. You must also make constant efforts to keep these properties managed and filled along with remaining certain that you are collecting your rent each month and that the properties aren’t falling into a state of disrepair or abuse by tenants.
Many investors retain the services of property management agencies in order to handle the minutia of month-to-month details and collections. This is a great idea whether you have one lone rental property or a vast portfolio of rental properties. Even better however, is the fact that if you keep your rental properties in reasonable repair throughout the years they can become liquid assets in time. In other words, they may actually pay for themselves a few times over if you invest for the long-term rather than focusing on the moment.
No matter what type of real estate investment you intend to have it is important that you are prepared to make the commitment to profit or profitability that is necessary in order for your venture to be deemed a success.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Watch Out When Buying Rental Property

Be careful when buying rental property. We stayed at a hotel for a week one winter when we were having our kitchen redone. The bill showed twice what it should have, but since I already paid the correct amount in cash, I thought nothing of it. When we noticed that the lobby and swimming pool were unheated, we thought it was frugality. Only a year later, when I read a news story about a new owner struggling to make the motel work, did I realize what was going on.

The owner had been planning to sell. To prepare, she was using the two most basic ways to inflate the appraised value: decrease expenses and increase reported income. By stopping repairs and quietly adding $100 in income every day, she may have shown $45,000 more net income for the year. At a .08 capitalization rate, that means the appraisal would come in $562,000 higher than it should have. Oops! The poor guy who overpaid!

Do you want to avoid a mistake like that when buying rental property? You need to watch for tricks like these. You also have to understand the basics of appraising income property.

It starts with the capitalization rate, or "cap rate." If investors in an area expect a return of 8% on assets, the cap rate is .08. Net income before debt service is divided by this to arrive at the value of a property. I explain this further in another article, but the primary point here is to remember that every dollar of extra income shown will increase the appraised value by $12.50 with a cap rate of .08, or by $10, if the cap rate is .10.

Sellers Dirty Tricks

If sellers of rental properties increase the net by honest means, then the property should sell for more. Unfortunately, there are many dishonest ways, both legal and fraudulent, that are sometimes used. Unlike sellers of houses, who may cover foundation cracks with plaster, the tricks used by sellers of income properties aren't about appearance. They are about income and expenses.

Income can be inflated by showing you the "pro forma," or projected income, instead of the actual rents collected. Ask for the actual figures, and check to see that none of the apartments listed as occupied are actually vacant. Also, be sure that none of the income is from one time events, like the sale of something.

Income from vending machines is a gray area. Smart investors subtract this from the net income before applying the cap rate, then add back the value of the machines themselves. If laundry machines make $6,000, for example, that would add $75,000 to the appraised value (.08 cap rate), if included. Since they are easily replaceable, adding the $10,000 replacement cost instead makes more sense.

Hiding expenses is the most common of seller's tricks. Paying for repairs off the books, or just avoiding necessary repairs for a year, can dramatically increase the net income. Demand an accounting of all expenditures. If a number in an expense category is suspicious, replace it with your own best guess.

Analyse each of the following, verifying the figures as much as possible, and substituting your own guesses if they are too suspect: vacancy rates, advertising, cleaning, maintenance, repairs, management fees, supplies, taxes, insurance, utilities, commissions, legal fees and any other expenses. This is how you make buying rental property safe.

Condo Insurance for Investors

Keep in mind that your insurance on a condo that is pulled through the HOA dues does NOT cover your interior or liability.  So, for example, if your hot water heater breaks and leaks into the neighbor, your HOA insurance will NOT cover it!  You need a separate policy to cover the interior and for liability issues like fires or floods.  Don’t learn this one the hard way, like I did!!

Is Real Estate Investing for You?

There are all types of investments in this day and age. One of the most often touted for creating millionaires around the world however is real estate investing. Even in the field of real estate there are several different investment styles. Each style involves varying degrees of risk on behalf of the investor. If careful consideration is taken there is a type of real estate investment that is best for most people though there are some that real estate will never be a good investment for.
Those who are simply not cut out for real estate investing are those who love to watch the ticker roll across the computer monitor or television screen indicating the worth of their portfolios on a daily basis. Those who need to see in print the wisdom of their investment practices rather than those who are content to sit on their investments as they take shape or those who are willing to actively work in order to make their investments pay off.
Buy and hold real estate involved purchasing property and holding on to it for a very long time while the value of the property appreciates in value. This requires someone that is very savvy when making purchases or extremely lucky for the most part. More importantly however, it involves someone who has the patience and tenacity to hold on to their investments for a long period of time. These investments can provide a nice retirement for the right investor as well as funds at the proper time for the weddings of children or to pay for college.
Rental properties are another excellent way to make money for those who are willing to deal with a long-term property investment. In this type of investment money is made each month to either pay or contribute to the mortgage and funds can be made once the property is paid for and sold later in life in order to receive a more complete and total profit from the endeavor. There is some degree of expense along the way that is involved in keeping properties up to date and in demand however the benefits of this particular type of investment are almost undeniable for the right investor.
Flipping is another type of real estate investment that is receiving a large amount of press these days. This process involves purchasing a property below its value, investing in repairing or rehabbing the property, and then reselling the property for a substantial profit. This is one of the few short-term sorts of investment that are widely profitable when it comes to real estate investing. There are others but those carry even greater risks than flipping.
Of course there are high-risk real estate ventures for those that need a little excitement in their lives. One of the more common high-risk investments would be pre-construction real estate investing. With this form of investment the investor is actually ‘betting’ that the future property will sell for a higher price than the investor paid once the building is complete.
Whether your investment needs are low-risk, high-risk, or somewhere in between there is quite likely a style of real estate investment that will be appropriate for your specific investment needs. If you do not find a real estate investment plan that is right for you then do not despair there is no style of investing that is right for everyone.