Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"The Sky is Falling", Says Chicken Little

So the sky is falling, is it? This is the first time we’ve seen nominal prices fall in some 40 years, says the experts. Well, not really… prices rise and fall in different parts of the Country, just not as a whole, lumped together. It’s much worse in some parts, better in others.

WHO CARES?? Real estate is not like gold or the dollar where the prices are pretty much the same for it no matter where you buy it. Real estate is LOCAL, and if you pay attention to that “market” thing, you’d pay attention to what’s going on in your city, or more importantly, in your eighborhood. Even then, you can find below-market bargains in ANY market. In other words, focus local, focus on DEALS.
More to come, Bubble-heads!

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