Wednesday, July 11, 2007

BULL vs. Bubble

Jim Kramer is a genius. He hosts a show called, “Mad Money” on CNBC. He graduated top of his class from Harvard and is one of the most respected names in the financial news industry. Jim has an expression - “There’s always a bull market somewhere”. I like this so much I am going to PILFER it and use it in my presentations because it so aptly applies to real estate investing.

If you invest in REITs, stocks or funds that are dependent on the real estate market, the housing news (bad news) is very relevant. If you are a dealmaker, a house buyer, and a bargain hunter, you look for deals that exist DESPITE the market. In other words, look at neighbhorhoods figures, not national or statewide figures on housing when investing. In every city there’s certain neighborhoods that are up or down, no matter what the citywide or statewide news about housing is telling you. Find those bull markets, and you will make money.

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