Monday, July 16, 2007

Great Review, Unpaid Endorsement

While randomly looking around the Internet, I found a nice review of one of my programs...

Alternative Real Estate Financing is one of my favorite works, a revision of an earlier course called, "How to Create a Real Estate Cash Cow". It covers how to buy and sell properties in a non-traditional way, using owner financing. The focus of the program is wraparound transactions, using installment land contract aka "contract for deed".

You can find it on in the online store.


Anonymous said...

I've got the Bronchick course, too and it rocks - tons of great forms in there that I've used to do subject-to transactions. Highly recommend - thanks, Mr. Bronchick!

Josh Houghton said...

Hello Mr. Bronchick
I am glad you enjoyed my review of your course. I also had a flipping properties review before my website crashed and I lost it. Enjoying your blog and feel free to drop by my site any time.

Josh Houghton